About AgroEnable

AgroEnable is a Rwanda based social enterprise that manufacturers and distributes biochar and carbon-based organic fertilizer and renewable fuel (briquettes), transformed from agricultural waste products and municipal sludge into highly effective farm and household inputs.
Our fertilizer helps to boost soil fertility, increase revenues for smallholder farmers and sequences carbon into the soils, where it stays for hundreds of years. WHILE!
The renewable char-briquettes are direct replacement of cooking and heating fuel for wood and charcoal, that is affordable, reducing household air pollution rated deaths and well as other associated health issues.

Our Mission;
AgroEnable’s mission is to improve people’s lives through use of smart transformative climate solutions while saving our environment.
Our vision;
AgroEnable’s vision is to become Rwanda’s leading manufacture of biochar-based renewable fuels (briquettes) and organic fertilizers to fore drive better household incomes, health and productive agricultural farmlands for us and generations to come.

Team introduction

Agro Enable (AE) is a women lead enterprise, private corporation, which converts agricultural bio-waste from farmers and agro-processors together with human waste (sludge) in their raw form and processes them to produce high-quality biochar organic fertilizer and renewable fuels for the Rwandan Market.

Our Team

Martine Uwase

Founding Director & CEO

Martine Uwase; a serial entrepreneur currently running two social enterprises in Rwanda with the core activities providing alternative solutions to save our mother environment. Both founded in 2017, Venteprise Ltd, is a business providing mothers and girl child cost-effective reusable products.

Mahirwe Mechack

Operations Director

Mechack is one of our sales manager and has been working in the fields of development cooperation and operations for more than 10 years. His key areas of competence include business management, strategy development and impact investment funds as well as preparation of sector, feasibility and market studies.

Mahlon Kyomuhendo

Project Manager

Mahlon Kyomuhendo is an enthusiastic development professional with more than 15 years of experience working with social entrepreneurs, commercial businesses, and the NGO sphere. He worked with a few, Heifer International, Techno-Serve, and Practical Action, all international institutions geared to promote change within vulnerable communities across the globe.

Mujawase Diane

Marketing Manager

Diane holds a Bachelor’s degree in marketing, she has over 8 years of experience in marketing and sales. she has worked with various companies including solar power companies as a marketing officer at Zola, Canal box as a sales team leader. Her previous work gave her solid experience in developing marketing strategies and marketing plans.